Looking Back on Beto O'Rourke's Favorability Ratings in His Home State

As the political press awaits Beto O’Rourke’s announcement that he’s ready to “push the button” on a campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, we’ve gathered a set of results from the University of Texas / Texas Tribune Poll that chart his rise in his home state.  All of this put him in a strong position to challenge John Cornyn in 2020, but he has apparently chosen ostensibly bigger and better things at the national level. Stay tuned.  (This page contains all of the results below, including more crosstabs for each item as well as trial ballots including O'Rourke from the 2018 election. In the graphics for party identification below, you can click on the legend to toggle subgroups on and off in each graphic.)

February 2019

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Very favorable27%
Somewhat favorable16%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable7%
Somewhat unfavorable6%
Very unfavorable39%
Don't know/no opinion5%

Loading chart...
Very favorable58%12%2%
Somewhat favorable27%11%7%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable5%23%5%
Somewhat unfavorable3%8%8%
Very unfavorable3%34%73%
Don't know/no opinion4%12%4%

October 2018

Loading chart...
Very favorable30%
Somewhat favorable13%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable7%
Somewhat unfavorable6%
Very unfavorable38%
Don't know/no opinion6%

Loading chart...
Very favorable65%20%2%
Somewhat favorable21%18%6%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable7%16%5%
Somewhat unfavorable1%5%10%
Very unfavorable1%32%73%
Don't know/no opinion5%9%4%

June 2018

Loading chart...
Very favorable22%
Somewhat favorable15%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable16%
Somewhat unfavorable8%
Very unfavorable16%
Don't know/no opinion24%

Loading chart...
Very favorable48%9%3%
Somewhat favorable25%18%5%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable11%22%18%
Somewhat unfavorable2%7%14%
Very unfavorable2%17%29%
Don't know/no opinion14%28%32%

February 2018 (barely a year ago!)

Loading chart...
Very favorable17%
Somewhat favorable12%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable19%
Somewhat unfavorable7%
Very unfavorable7%
Don't know/no opinion39%

Loading chart...
Very favorable34%7%3%
Somewhat favorable19%6%5%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable16%28%19%
Somewhat unfavorable3%10%9%
Very unfavorable1%10%12%
Don't know/no opinion27%38%51%

October 2017

Loading chart...
Very favorable9%
Somewhat favorable7%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable16%
Somewhat unfavorable5%
Very unfavorable8%
Don't know/no opinion53%

Loading chart...
Very favorable21%1%2%
Somewhat favorable13%7%3%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable14%17%18%
Somewhat unfavorable3%10%6%
Very unfavorable3%14%12%
Don't know/no opinion46%52%59%

June 2017 (O'Rourke declared his U.S. Senate candidacy in late March.)

Loading chart...
Very favorable9%
Somewhat favorable9%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable15%
Somewhat unfavorable5%
Very unfavorable8%
Don't know/no opinion55%

Loading chart...
Very favorable20%2%1%
Somewhat favorable15%4%4%
Neither favorable nor unfavorable15%25%12%
Somewhat unfavorable3%3%7%
Very unfavorable2%12%12%
Don't know/no opinion46%54%64%