Keyword: Ideology

The political center is having a moment in the U.S. Senate race in Texas, but it's not likely to last

| By: Jim Henson and Joshua Blank

In both the Presidential and U.S. Senate races, efforts by the candidates to portray their opponents as extremists while presenting themselves as comparatively moderate and bipartisan has had mixed effects. Overall, this messaging is resonating more with candidates’ partisans in the state than with their opponents’ base voters, making these tactics likely to be more successful at mobilizing partisans than at persuading the opposition's voters that their own candidate is too radical. Nor do the ostensible efforts to scare independents with claims of ideological extremism seem to be having the effects the campaigns desire. 

A closer look at the University of Texas / Texas Politics illuminates how the efforts at contrasting moderation with extremism have fared – but also suggests that the surprising attraction of the middle in Texas politics is likely to be fleeting once the U.S. Senate race is settled and behind us.


The 2022 Texas Primaries Answer Some Questions, Raise Some Others as the Winners Move On Amidst a lot of Run-Offs

| By: Jim Henson and Joshua Blank

The first round of the Texas primary election is behind us, though many of the campaigns will continue with significant statewide, legislative, and Congressional run-off elections in both parties. While there have already been a lot of hot takes and some floating of big themes, we provide a few questions and observations that have occurred to us in the post-election haze. There will be more to come. 


Trends in Partisan Ideological Identification in Texas Illuminate McCain's Past, Trump's Present, O'Rourke's Future

| By: Jim Henson and Joshua Blank

Today, we took great interest in the Tweet below by Carroll Doherty at the Pew Research Center, highlighting increasing conservative identification among Republican voters over the timespan between John McCain's first presidential campaign in 2000 and today. Pew's data show conservative idenfitication in the GOP increasing by 12 points, from 56 percent to 68 percent.  The Pew data got us wondering about whether these trends manifest themselves in Texas, so we pulled together polling data from over 30 University of Texas / Texas Tribune polls to see if and how ideological identification in Texas has changed since 2008 (the inaugural year of our data). The data series is represented in the graphics below.


Polling and Primary Madness: Texas Data Points from the Week in Politics, February 26 2016.

| By: Jim Henson and Joshua Blank

While we found the most recent University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll chock full of fascinating results on attitudes toward issues that illuminate much of the recent political discussion in the 2016 races in both Texas and the U.S., with the Texas primary coming up Tuesday it seems appropriate to look at some of the undercurrents of the results from the trial ballots in the presidential nominating contests, including Cruz's standing with extremely conservative voters as well as some slippage in his standing, the Clinton-Sanders race, Texans' views of outsiders, and more.


Top Texas Counties Ranked by Ideology

| By: Joshua Blank, PhD

Mark P. Jones of Rice University ranks the ideological composition of registered voters in Texas' 20 most populous counties using University of Texas/Texas Tribune Polling Data.


Keywords: Ideology

Poll Findings vs. Election Results

| By: Daron Shaw and Jim Henson, PhD and Joshua Blank, PhD

In several races, Tuesday's election results didn't match the findings of the University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll two weeks earlier. What happened?


Ambivalence Structures Gridlock on NSA Surveillance

| By: Jim Henson, PhD and Joshua Blank, PhD

It's not surprising that the political class hasn't rallied to one side or the other on the debate over NSA surveillance; the public is sending oblique messages to its elected officials.


Keywords: Ideology, Privacy

California's Conservative Migration

| By: Joshua Blank, PhD

The wave of migrants coming from California are coming for the economy, and it is not safe to assume this is a pack of West Coast liberals who want to change Texas politics.


Keywords: Ideology

The Conservative Core and the 2012 Primary Elections

| By: Jim Henson, PhD

The February 2012 University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll shows a riptide of very conservative opinion is exerting a strong pull on state politics.


Race, Ideology and Redistricting

| By: Adam Myers

Which groups in Texas believe most strongly that their members of Congress don't represent people "like them"? Liberal and moderate whites.