Keyword: SD30

It's October, But Is Any of This Really Surprising? Texas Data Points from the Week in Politics, October 2, 2020

| By: Jim Henson

The rules regulating voting in Texas got another restrictive twist this week when Governor Abbott issued a proclamation imposing new limits on the handling of mail-in ballots. Abbott’s action took place even as agitation among GOP dissidents on the right continued to pressure him for his exercise of executive power during the pandemic. One of those dissidents added more fuel to that fire Tuesday when she finished first in the special election in Texas Senate District 30. While all this was unfolding in Texas, apparently President Donald Trump was getting infected with COVID-19, which as the week ended diverted attention away from his reluctance to unambiguously reject White supremacist groups at the Tuesday’s unpleasant presidential debate, though it sheds a new light on his continuing underestimation at the debate of COVID-19 in general and preventative measures in particular. 


Senate District 30 Special Election Early Vote Tracker

| By: Texas Politics Project

Senate District 30 Special Election Early Votes through Friday, September 25. Election Day for the special election is September 29.